Test Automation Tools
Test automation blog & resources
What exactly is meant by “BDD” (Behavior Driven Development)?
BDD is a method that focuses on how people will use the application. The app is then designed, built, and tested based on this information. To make test cases that guarantee a high-quality application, it helps to have the views of both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Since the business requirement [...]
What is End-to-end Testing?
Table of contents: End-to-end testing done manually Automated end-to-end tests Testelium Developers, testers, managers, and end users are just few of the many groups that may benefit from end-to-end testing. Developers gain efficiency since they no longer have to spend as much time testing and ensuring quality of the application; [...]
SMS Testing tools
Table of contents: Mailosaur testRigor Testelium Two factor authentication on mobile apps is a standard for most applications nowadays. Organizations want to verify the phone numbers of their users to remove spam accounts and improve the security of their application. SMS Testing refers to checking whether appropriate messages have been [...]
Mobile Testing Tools
Table of contents: Types of mobile application testing Functional testing Performance testing Memory leakage testing Certification related testing Usability testing More scenarios to consider for testing Some tips to ensure good quality mobile testing Mobile Testing Tools Appium Apptim Ranorex Studio Eggplant testRigor Conclusion The goal of mobile application testing [...]
Cypress vs Selenium vs testRigor: End-to-End Testing Frameworks Comparison
Cypress vs Selenium vs testRigor Why do we need automation in software testing? The answer lies in the fact that it is difficult to conduct effective software testing without the use of automation. The goal of software testing is to verify that a programme operates as intended, free of [...]
Smoke Testing and Regression Testing – the Differences Between
Smoke Testing vs Regression Testing Every member of a well-oiled software development team should be familiar with smoke testing and regression testing and the major distinctions between the two. This quick tutorial is a useful reminder for anybody, regardless of experience level, who wants to learn the major distinctions [...]