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Two factor authentication on mobile apps is a standard for most applications nowadays. Organizations want to verify the phone numbers of their users to remove spam accounts and improve the security of their application. SMS Testing refers to checking whether appropriate messages have been sent to the users who are registering their account and those who wish to log in to their account.

However, SMS testing can be complex when there are more intricate steps involved. The typical SMS testing workflow looks like this:
  • Create an account using a test user.
  • Request a verification code.
  • Check to see whether the SMS has a code with four digits.
  • Confirm the code that was sent to you through text.
  • Verify that the user was able to log in without any problems.

For certain applications for example in the banking domain there may be a need to check multiple times if a certain one-time-password SMS has been sent. This is due to added security that is required from banking applications. In this scenario you need a tool that supports multiple workflows and evolves seamlessly with your application codebase.

Many companies choose to test their SMS setup manually, despite the fact that doing so presents a number of significant difficulties. Manual SMS testing may be effective in identifying problems, but it does need human intervention at each stage of the testing process since it does not rely on test scripting. It is possible for this to be a very laborious operation, which brings with it the possibility of human mistake into the equation.

The ideal SMS Testing tool should be:
  • Cloud-based SaaS platform, this ensures that the developers can fix any issues instantly without having to download additional updates.
  • Support SMS tests from a wide variety of regions and phone types.
  • Easily integrates with your existing QA application or supports advanced QA testing capabilities.


With Mailosaur’s help, you can easily create automated testing for your outgoing emails and text messages. Since Mailosaur was designed for this specific function, it includes just the features you’ll really need.

You may use Mailosaur with popular frameworks like Cypress, Robot Framework, and Selenium to develop SMS tests. It also has an SDK that allows it to work with popular languages like Python and Java.

No one on your team will ever have to use their personal phone while testing thanks to Mailosaur’s availability of dedicated business phone lines. It compiles your test results and messages into a single location.


It has never been simpler to perform testing automation for workflows that call for interaction with text messages. Make sure to communicate the processes, including how to handle SMS messages, using simple English. You will be able to read SMS messages and extract any information, including confirmation codes, using testRigor. In point of fact, we are the only technique that anybody is aware of to verify the flow of a two-factor authentication.

Since, testRigor has also other advanced QA capabilities there is no need to integrate with Selenium or other frameworks.


Testelium is an Automated SMS Testing Platform that allows you to integrate SMS testing to your existing applications. However, unlike testRigor and Mailosaur it is a third party tool that is not integrated into your existing application. With Testelium you can check network delays of SMS delivery and has advanced analytics for each type of application.


If you are building an application in the financial domains that require a high degree of security SMS testing has to be an essential part of your development and testing process. These tools will ensure that your customer data and security is protected.